A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Coral Springs Improvement District was held on Monday, November 19, 2012 at 4:05 p.m. at the District Office, 10300 NW 11th Manor, Coral Springs, Florida. 


            Present and constituting a quorum were:


            Martin Shank                                                  President

            Theodore Mena                                               Vice President

            Duane Holland                                                Secretary


            Also present were:


            Kenneth Cassel                                               District Manager

            Andrew Bauman                                             District Counsel

            Kay Woodward                                              District Accountant

            Troy Lyn                                                         District Engineer

            John McKune                                                  District Consultant

            Jan Zilmer                                                       Human Resources      

            Ed Stover                                                        Water Department

            David McIntosh                                              Wastewater Department

            Randy Frederick                                             Drainage

            Steve Seigfried                                               Field Superintendant

            George Miller                                                  Severn Trent Services


            The following is a summary of the minutes and actions taken during the November 19, 2012 CSID Board of Supervisors Meeting.                                                                                                                                                              

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Roll Call

            Mr. Cassel called the meeting to order and called the roll. 


SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS                        Approval of the Minutes of the October 15, 2012 Meeting

            Mr. Shank stated each Board member received a copy of the minutes of the October 15, 2012 meeting and requested any corrections, additions or deletions.

            There not being any,


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Shank with all in favor the minutes of the November 19, 2012 meeting were approved. 

THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS                            Audience Comments

            There not being any, the next item followed.


FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                        Consideration of Bids

·         Fire Protection System Bid

The following was discussed:

Ř  A fire suppression system is needed for the server room.

Ř  This suppression system does not use chemicals making it safe for electronics. 

Ř  The District can piggyback off of the GSA contract. 

Ř  The total amount is $14,884.25.


On MOTION by Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Mena with all in favor the fire protection system bid with Simplex Grinnell in the amount of $14,884.25 was approved. 


·         Culvert Inspection

            Mr. Frederick reviewed the bids for culvert inspections and recommended the lowest bidder, Fish Tec, Inc. in the amount of $17,500.


On MOTION Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the bid for culvert inspection was awarded to Fish Tec, Inc. in the amount of $17,500.


FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Consideration of Sungas Tank Proposal

            The Board reviewed the proposal from the current propane supplier at a total of $19,405 per station.  There are two stations.


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the proposal from Sungas Services at a total cost of $19,405 per station was approved. 


SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Ratification of Additional Expenses for Tank E Welding of Bottom Ring in the Amount of $7,500

            HMT Tank Services, Inc. found the welds in the bottom ring of the tank need to be repaired.  It is more economical to do it while they are performing other repairs so there are no remobilization fees. 


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor additional expenditures in the amount of $7,500 for the welding of bottom ring in Tank E were ratified.


SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                      Consideration of Work Authorization #70 Odor Control Analysis

            There being no questions or comments,


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor Work Authorization #70 for odor control analysis was approved. 


EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                         Discussion of Setting a Public Hearing to Amend Interest Paid on Deposits Held

            The District is currently paying two percent interest on deposits being held.  In order to stop paying interest a public hearing must be held.


On MOTION by Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Mena with all in favor a public hearing was set for December 17, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. to discuss interest paid on deposits held.


NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                            Staff Reports

A.                Manager

·         Toilet Rebate Program

·         Utility Billing Work Orders

·         Water Breaks Reports               

            The following was discussed:

Ř  Mr. Cassel noted the January 21, 2013 meeting is on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  The District offices will be closed.  There was Board consensus to change the meeting date to January 28, 2013.

Ř  The toilet rebate program is doing well.  Eight or nine residents have participated to date.

            B.        Director of Operations

·         Water

            Mr. Stover reported the Broward County Health Department approved the ammoniation system.  The Building Department has not approved the door yet, but Mr. Lyn is working to get it approved. 



·         Sewer

The following was also discussed:

Ř  Mr. McIntosh reported there will be additional expenses in the amount of $13,475 for sandblasting and painting Plant E due to additional welding. 


On MOTION by Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Mena with all in favor additional expenses in the amount of $13,475 for sandblasting and painting of Plant E were approved.


Ř  The City of Coral Springs contacted the District claiming there are outstanding issues with a permit from the prior contract, which Interstate never closed out.

Ř  These issues have to do with inspections of the fuel line and a change in one of the doors.

Ř  The permit expired and the City wants the District to pay an additional fee of $10,000 to reinstate the permit for the door and they want Interstate to submit engineering drawings for changing the door. 

Ř  Mr. Cassel is in discussions with the City to resolve this.  Mr. Mena suggested he speak to Mayor Boccard. 


·         Stormwater

            Mr. Frederick provided an update on conversations he had with Mr. Westfall regarding removal of trees. 

Ř  The District will not be exempt from mitigation.   

Ř  Mr. Mena asked if the District has the right to remove a tree located within its right-of-way.  Mr. Bauman believes the District does have the right to remove a tree if it is in its right-of-way.  Mr. Mena requested a definitive response. 

Ř  Mr. Bauman stated the District has a system designed for drainage.  If a tree is an impediment to the drainage design, the District becomes liable.

Ř  District counsel is working on a definitive answer as to whether the City can require mitigation for removal of a tree and will provide a written legal opinion for the next meeting. 


·         Human Resources

            Mr. Zilmer reported pensions will be moved from Hartford and ICMA to Nationwide effective January 1, 2013.


·         Field

            Mr. Seigfried reported LMK is on schedule with their work on the lift stations.


A.                Attorney

            Mr. Bauman reported the following:

·         CH2M Hill responded to the District’s demand letter for overpayment of design fees.  They do not agree they owe the District for overpayment. 

·         CH2M Hill wants to discuss a global solution with the District dealing with this issue and questions regarding design defects. 

·         District counsel responded the District is willing to enter into discussions with CH2M Hill regarding overpayment amounts; however, the District will not link design defects to the overage issues of design costs. 

·         CH2M Hill was given a deadline of November 27, 2012.  If they do not agree to meet and discuss overpayments with the District, a suit will be filed. 


B.                 Engineer

·         Well Rehabilitation Presentation

            Mr. Lyn provided the Board with a report on Globaltech’s findings on well upgrade analysis, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of the public record. 


On MOTION by Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Shank with all in favor staff was directed to proceed with Well Improvement Phases One and Two as proposed and bring back final cost estimates for approval.


·         Odor Control Presentation

            Mr. Lyn provided the Board with a report on Globaltech’s findings on odor control, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of the public record.  The Board requested proposals for Option Three.

            Mr. Lyn also reported repairs on the well slab will begin next week.


TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                           Approval of Financial Statements for August and October 2012

            Ms. Woodward reviewed the financial statements. 

On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the financials were approved. 


ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                  Supervisors’ Requests

            The following was discussed:

Ř  Mr. Shank thanked everyone for their work. 

Ř  The Board requested large documents be sent electronically instead of being printed out. 

Ř  Mr. Mena wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.  He also stated he spoke with City representatives regarding changing the suggested 25 feet in the ordinance and leaving it up to the District.  He was told there is no support for CSID to change the City codes.  The City Manager suggested CSID talk with NSID to see if they are interested in changing the City Ordinance with regard to fencing.  Mr. Mena spoke with Mr. Hyche who told him about encroachment agreements they have been using for years.

Ř  Mr. Cassel explained most of the encroachment agreements NSID has for fences are for easements they do not need access to.  They are not waterline easements.  CSID provides letters of no objection for side easements it does not need access to.   

Ř  Mr. Holland wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.


TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                     Adjournment

            There being no further business,


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the meeting was adjourned. 





Kenneth Cassel                                               Martin Shank

Assistant Secretary                                         President